Nurturing Your Child's Potential.
First developed in 1952 as an outreach to the community, the Laurel Heights Weekday School continues to reinforce basic Christian principles within its classrooms. Chapel is held several times each week and Christian holidays are celebrated through out the year. The school values religious activities and includes them as part of the total curriculum. It is our hope that the love and care experienced by each child here will be internalized as a way to live with others.
About Us
For over 60 years we have continued to reinforce basic Christian principles through developmentally appropriate activities in each classroom.
Together, we strive to create a safe & nurturing environment. Our school is a place where your child can grow, learn to appreciate cultural diversity, and learn about God’s love.
Our Classes
We are so proud of our low-class ratios. The Weekday School has a maximum of 125 children attending each day & children are divided by age into nine classrooms.
Our Resources
Please feel free to view some of the resources available for you and your family. We look forward to meeting you and inviting you to be part of our family.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me. Do not stop them. For it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.”